Source code for mr_sim

from .shapes import *
from .types import *
from .pressure import *
from .models import *

[docs]def create_simulation(*classes): """A helper method to combine classes. This method combines classes representing different elements of a material removal simulation. This allows different simulations to be easily constructed. Args: *classes: Variable length argument list of classes to subclass. Returns: A class which is a subclass of all classes provided as arguments. Examples: For example, to use the Preston equation to simulate a round orbital sander sanding a flat surface, the following can be used. >>> from mr_sim import * >>> Simulation = create_simulation(Flat, Round, Orbital, Preston) >>> simulation = Simulation(0.3, 0.1, radius=0.05, eccentricity=0.005, dt=0.001, kp=1e-9) In this example ``radius`` sets the radius of the sander defined in the ``Round`` class, ``eccentricity`` sets the eccentricity of the orbital sander defined in the ``Orbital`` class, ``dt`` sets the timestep in the ``Base`` class, which is a superclass of all other classes, and ``kp`` sets the constant in the Preston Equation class, ``Preston``. The same result can be accomplished manually. >>> from mr_sim import * >>> Simulation(Flat, Round, Orbital, Preston): >>> pass >>> simulation = Simulation(0.3, 0.1, radius=0.05, eccentricity=0.005, dt=0.001, kp=1e-9) This approach would be particularly useful if additional functionality needs to be added to the simulation class. """ class Simulation(*classes): pass return Simulation